The title is derived from
a line of Shakespeare's play, Julius Ceasar: "The fault, dear Brutus, is
not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings."
Growing up, I have always heard the saying "the stars are well aligned for
you!" or something of that sense. The truth is the stars do not
matter. It is not our fate that is a fault. It instead is ourselves. Our own weakness, pain, impatience. I believe John Green would change the wording
of this because the book shows us the fault in Hazel’s fate. Hazel did nothing to deserve her fate and
yet, the “stars” were not aligned in her favor.
In Hazel’s case, the fault was in the stars and John Green is simply
writing in the book just why the fault is in the stars, contrary to the line
from the play. I believe he picked the
title of this book for Esther, which as shown in the video, means “star.” He wrote the book based on the life of the
late Esther Earl, a beautiful young lady with cancer. The book is based on the faults of Esther and
how she faced those faults with a brave, open heart. For the story, this means that fate can control
our lives but what we chose to do with that is up to us.